FOOTBALL. Sixth Match .— 8th, 10th, and 11th Oct. — This year is, we believe, the first time for many years that no goal has been kicked by either side. Although the school were throughout considerably the stronger, and obtained several tries at goal, yet they could not follow up their advantage by kicking the goals. Some of the tries certainly were very hard, but others were comparatively easy, and we can only account for the la -k of good “ places ” by the fact that all were out of practice. The day was everything that could be desired, and “ Old Rugs” mus tered in good force, 20 appearing for the Sixth and 11 for the School. The Sixth, according to custom, took the island goal, and the head of the School kicked off. But they did not long maintain the advantage obtained by the kick off, for soon, by a good run of Unna’s, the ball was brought to with in 20 yards o f the island goal, soon after .which the School touched it down in goal. P. 0 . Westfeldt made the try, but was un successful. G. R. Westfeld (o. R.) then took it out for the Sixth, but the Sixth were soon driven back, and compelled to touch it down THE METEOR. 89 , again. A. A. Bourne (o. R.) took it out, but, as before, the Sixth were driven back, and the ball was touched down by the School. Unna tried to punt it out, but un successfully, and the ball was touched down in goal. F. Haslam (o.R.) then took it out on the Barby side, and Moberly (o.R.), by some very fine play, brought the ball near the School goal, but it was soon forced back again by the School forwards towards the island goal, when Yecqueray (o.R.) ran in. The punt out, which resulted, was again a failure. After the School had again touched the ball down twice, Badger (o.R.) made a splendid run in, passing a great number of the Sixth. The punt-out was caught by one of the Sixth, but the Sixth had soon to touch it down. Haynes (o.R.) took it out, but the Sixth were soon driven back again, until after a splendid drop into the “ three trees ” by A. A. Bourne (o.R.), one of the School ran in ; but the try was unsuccess ful. “ No Side ” was then called. The match was resumed on Monday with little better success to the Sixth, although by'the splendid play of the Sixth half-backs, G'. R. Westfeldt and W . 0 . Moberly, the ball was several times brought into close proximity with the School goal. On this day the School got three tries, a punt-out, and seven touches down ; but still no goal was kicked, so that the match was again resumed on Tuesday, when the School obtained two tries and a punt-out. But as, when “ No Side” was called at the end o f the third day’s play, no goal had been kicked, the match ended in a draw, although of course considerably in favour o f the School. For the Sixth we noticed as especially con spicuous Westfeldt and Moberly (half-back), and Haslam, Haynes, and Bourne (back) ; while for- the School Badger and Warner (half-back) and Henderson (back) did es pecially good service. BIG-SIDE. t Barby v. H illmorton .— This match was commenced on the Saturday following the Sixth Match, when Barby had considerably the best of it. A goal was kicked for Barby off a run in by Southwell, but a subsequent try off" a run in by Cropper proved a failure. The match was resumed on Tuesday, when the tables were turned in favour o f Hillmor- ton, who penned their adversaries all the time, although they only obtained ope try, which was unsuccessful. The match had, therefore, to be continued on the next Tuesday (Saturday being too wet), when Hillmorton again had the best of it. A run in by Unna resulted in an unsuccessful try for Barby, after which Hillmorton penned their adversaries nearly the whole time, obtaining several touch downs, but no material advantage. The match will, there fore, have to be continued on Saturday. Arnold ’s v. Town . On Thursday, October 18th, this, the first House Match of the season was begun. The Town won the toss and elected to kick off, Arnold’s taking the island goal. For Arnold’s Bigg mi. (back), played for North- cote, and Jeffery ma. (back), for Thompson. After a few uneventful scrummages, Lefroy secured the ball and made a fine run in, touching the ball down between the posts: the resulting try was however unsuccessful. The rest of the day was a series of uninter rupted successes to the Arnoldites, the Town never getting lear their adversaries’ goal, and when “ no side” was called Arnold’s had gained one try, a punt out, and three touches down. The Town failed to score. Second D ay.— In addition to. the sub stitutes of Thursday, Brownfield, ma. (back), played for Worthington, and his long drops and punts were of great service. After about ten minutes’ play Jeffery made a fine run in, and a good goal was kicked by Lefroy. The game from this point was a very hollow affair, and the heavier twenty of the Town could make no stand against the superior individual play of the Amoldites. At the close of the day the game stood thus:— Arnold’s had scored one goal, four tries, (two from runs in by Maddison and Lefroy, and two being carried in by the forwards,) two punts out and several touches down. The Town again failed to score. Bowden Smith ’s v. Moberly ’s. The match between these two Houses was played on Saturday morning, with rain falling nearly the whole time. Any running with the ball was almost impossible, owing to the slipperiness of the ground. Moberly’s won the toss, and chose the Island Goal. Almost directly after the kick-off Bowden Smith’s brought the ball close up to the Island goal, where it remained the greater part of the match, only once passing the three trees. Moberly’s were out-weighed throughout, but played a plucky up-hill game. The match resulted in an easy, though not very decisive victory to Bowden Smith’s, as no goals were kicked, owing to the badness of the weather. They obtained one try, three punts-out, and several touches-down to Moberly’s nothing. Still (Elsee’s) played 90 THE METEOE substitute for Romilly, and rendered very efficient service ; while for Bowden Smith’s Harris, mi., was especially conspicuous in running with the hall. Bowden Smith ’s v. W ilson ’s Below Caps . This match was begun on Tuesday, Oct. 11th, when Bowden Smith’s kicked a goal. But on the following Saturday a motion was passed in the Football Committee, that “ ties be drawn for Below Caps, and that all for mer matches be void.” Strangely enough Bowden Smith’s were drawn against W il son’s, and the match was begun on Satur day morning, Oct. 15th, when Wilson’s got two tries to Bowden Smith’s one touch down, and resumed on Tuesday, Oct. 25th ; in the first five minutes Wilson’s kicked a goal, but for the rest of the time Bowden Smith’s got rather the best o f it, getting two tries at goal, and one out of the Close to Wilson’s one touch in goal.