CRICKET. The School v. R ugby Club .— This, the return match, was played in the Close on Saturday, July 6th. Notwithstanding the absence o f Pauncefote and W ilkes— two o f our best batsmen— the School made an ex ceedingly good show o f batting, the captain for the time being taking the lead with a finely played 72. Stokes and Tobin, ma., Steward and Gardner, also showed some very good batting. The Clubs’ prospects did not look very flourishing, losing three wickets in 25 minutes. Score :— RUGBY SCHOOL. F. Stokes, c Willes, b Carles . . .. 57 W. Yardley, e Swainson, b Buchanan .. 2 J. T. Soutter, b Buchanan . . . . 4 S. P. Bucknill, c and b Buchanan .. 72 F. Tobin ma., c and b Haven .. . . 45 G. E. Steward, not o u t .......................... 34 F. Tobin mi., c and b Raven . . . . 12 J. W. Gardner, c Mordaunt,b Buchanan 30 Y. Ellis, c Buchana? ............................ 6 C. K. Francis, b Buchanan .. .. IS A. A. Bourne, c Browne, b Buchanan .. 0 Byes 15,1-b 3, w 1 3 .......................... 31 T o t a l........................ 307 THE M ETEOR. 11 RUGBY CLUB. J. H. Raven, at Yardley, b Bourns . . 13 C. W. Carles, e Gardner, b Bourne . , 0 R. P. Smith, c Tobin mi., b Bourne . . 6 G. L. Bennett, not o u t ...................... 3 D. Buchanan, not oat . . .. . . 0 Leg-byes .. .. . .. 2 T o t a l........................ 23 Free F oresters v. The School —Monday ahd Tuesday , July 8 &9.—The match was very closely contested, and on the fall of Yardley’s and Tobin ma.’s wickets in the 2nd innings, it seemed as if the Foresters would yet pull off the match. After some careful play, Tobin mi. made the winning hit for the School, with two wickets to fall. The Foresters lost the services in the middle of the match of Raven, who met with a bad accident. On the one side Mordaunt and Higgins, and on the other Tobin mi., Yard- ley, and especially Tobin ma.—who played two fine innings— deserve mention. Score :— FREE FORESTERS. 1st Innings. 2nd Innings. D. Buchanan, c Ellis b Bourne O b Ellis .. 7 G. Bennett, run out .. 0 not out . . 22 J. R. Raven, retired .. 43 absent .. 0 A. Hillyard, b Bourne .. 7 b Bourne.. 11 R. Brodie, b Bourne . 1 c Ellis b Bourne 4 O. Mordaunt, c Ellis • • 6 o Wilkes bSoutter 55 M. F. Higgins, b E llis. . 21 b Ellis .. 50 F. Paget, c Tobin mi., b Paunce- st Yardley b f o t e ................................... 30 Pauncefote 3 A. R. Kenney, c Tobin ma., b b Ellis .. 1 Ellis .. 3 A. Lee, lbw b Ellis 11 c Tobin ma., b Ellis.. 3 S. B. Chamberlayne, not o u t.. 4 b Pauncefote .. 14 B y e l ,w l 2 b 2 , 1-b 1, w 2 .. 5 Total .. 128 T otal.. 175 RUGBY SCHOOL. 1st Innings. 2nd Innings. F. Stokes, b Chamberlayne .. 1 o Hillyard b Chamberlayne 14 J. Wilkes, run ont . . Buchanan .. 7 J. T. Soutter, run on t. . . . 18 e Buchanan b Chamberlpyne 0 S. P. Bncknill, c Buchanan b b Chamberlayne 0 Chamberlayne .. . 3 F. Tobin ma., b Chamberlayne 75 c Chamberlayne b Buchanan . . . 35 W. Yardley, b Hillyard .. 16 run out . . 53 F. Tobin mi., b Kenney . . 24 not out .. 6 B. Pauncefote, b Buchanan .. 6 c and b Chamber layne . . 9 C. K. Francis, b Buchanan .. 9 run out .. 0 V. Ellis, not out . , 3 not out . . 1 A. A. Bourne, run out.. Byes 4 ,1-b 5, w 8 . . 9 . . 1 2 b l , l - b l 2 Total .. 177 Total.. 128 Rev. C. B. Hutchinson ’s House v. Rev. T. W, Jbx Blake ’s House .—This match was for second House, and was won easily by the Rev. 0. B. Hutchinson’s House by 145 runs. For Hut chinson’s, Wilkes scored well both innings, making 27 and 113; Yardley made 46 and 4 ; and Gwyer two good innings o f 34 and 40. Scully also played two useful inningB o f 20 and 21. For Blake’s, Clark went in first and carried his bat out for 92. Tobin ma., and Gardner (for Tobin mi.,) made each two good innings—Tobin ma. making 27 and 27, and Gardner 23 ahd 17. The score as follows:— HUTCHINSON’S. 1st Inningi. 2nd Innings. W. Yardley, c and b Clark . . 46 b Piercy .. . . 4 J. Wilkes, c Clark, b Graham.. 27 c Penrose, b Gra ham . . .. 113 J. Soully, c Haslam, b Piercy 20 c Tobin b Graham 21 T.G.Hare,cPenrose,bGraham O b Clark .. . . 3 S. K. Gwyer, b Clark .. .. 34 c Gray, b Graham 40 J. H. Becke, c and b Clark . . 9 c Hornby, b Gra ham .. . . 1 2 A. B. Chapman, b Clark .. 15 b Graham . 14 C. T. Layton, b Clark .. . . 1 (Anderson mi.) c Gray, b Graham 0 F.W.Isherwood,cGray,bClark 0 not out . . . . 4 W. K. Eddis, o Gray, b Graham 15 c Gardner, b Gra ham .. .. 0 E. R. Fleteher, not out . . 7 c Penrose, b Gra ham . . .. 5 Extras .......................... 20 Extras.. . . 17 Total ........................ 194 Total .. 238 BLAKE’S. 1st Innings. 2nd Innings. C. H. Clark, not out . . .. 92 c Eddis, b Yardley 15 F. Tobin ma., o Wilkes,- b Yard- ley .. . . . . .. 27 oYardley, b Gwyer 27 H. P. Hornby, c Layton, b Yardley .. ' . . . . 4 b Gwyer .. .. 0 A. Gray, c and b Yardley .. 2 b Gwyer .. . . 7 H. H. Johnston, b Gwyer .. 6 b Yardley .. 7 J. W. Gardner, c and b Yardley 28 c Yardley b Gwyer 17 J. M. Piercy, b Yardley . . 0 b Yardley .. 16 F. W. Haslam, b Gwyer . . 8 run out . . .. 6 J. Graham, b Yardley .. . . 2 not out . . .. 4 J. Penrose, c Yardley, b Gwyer 5 b Yardley . . 0 W. Fletcher, c Eddis, b Gwyer 2 b Yardley . . 0 Extras ........................ 18 Extras . . 1 Total .. ..1 8 3 Total . . 100 The Rev. C. B. Hutchinson’s House Pie Match ended in a victory for Yardley’s side by six wickets, the chief scores being H. Hall 22 and 31, W. Yardley 48 and 3, and J. O. Ander son 8 and (not out) 21, for the winning side; - 12 THE METEOR, and J. Wilkes 28 and 36, S. K. Gwyer 16 and 22 for the losing.—The Tutor Pie Match was won by Wilkes’ s side by 7 wickets. W . Yard- ley made SO and 51, J. Wilkes 47 and 1, S. K. Gwyer 3 and (not out) 49, W. K. Eddis 41 and 8, and M. Kitchener 20. A Match between the Twenty and Fifth Forms has been won by the former by six wickets. Mr. J. M. W ilson ’s House ' Pie Match has been won by Bourne’s side, beating Gemmell’s by 220 runs. The chief scorers were—Bourne, 0 and 80; Botfield, -3 and 171; Langford (not out) 7; and (not out) 33. Bey. T. W . Jex Blake ’s Tutor Pie Match , won by Tobin mi.’s side by 9 wickets, the prin cipal scorers being—Tobin ma., 24; Soutter (for Tobin mi.,) 23, and Tobin terts., 31; and Clark, 25 (not out).