BIG-SIDE LEVEES. I. At a Big-Side Levee, called by Mr. F. W. Haslam, on January 29th, Mr. W. D. Allen in the chair, Mr. F. W. Haslam, seoonded by Mr. Pauncefote, moved that one compulsory Big- Side a week should be played* in Beynolds’ field this term. Carried nem. con. II. At a Big-Side Levee, called by Mr. F. W. Haslam, on February 1st, Mr. Ormerod being in the chair, Mr. Haslam, seconded by Mr. Sykes, moved that “ the ball, when thrown out of touch, be not in play, nor touched by any player outside touch, until it have touched the ground.” Mr. Davenport moved, as amend ment, “ That the rule be tried during this term.” The motion, with the amendment, was carried nem. con. j,